Cryostat for Actinide RIXS
Thanks to a fellowship from CAMS and collaboration with the MARS beamline at Synchrotron Soleil and Diamond Light Source, we have a cryostat system suitable for studying thorium and uranium-containing samples. The cryostat system can be operated at liquid nitrogen or helium temperatures. It can be operated for tender and hard X-ray spectroscopy, including uranium M45-edge and L3-edge RIXS/XES. It is currently possible to operate the cryostat at beamlines I20 and I18 (Diamond Light Source) and at MARS (Synchrotron Soleil). The cryostat is customised to allow the loading and unloading of sample holders at low temperatures. There are two sample holder designs, one for accommodating a 7mm diameter pellet and another for accommodating frozen liquid samples. We are open to other research groups using this cryostat. Reach out to Mike by email if you would like to use the cryostat for uranium/thorium X-ray spectroscopy beamtime.